Email Validation Service

Collect real emails and connect with your customers with Email Validation.

Sending to bad email accounts is costly. In fact, 8.4% of email addresses entered on websites are invalid, fake or misspelled.


Catch and correct invalid syntax, spelling errors and typos

Remove Toxic Emails

Identify toxic emails and spam traps, flag role accounts and disposable addresses

Check Mailbox

Real-time domain and mailbox verification

Identify Actives

Pair with our email activity data to prioritize best addresses

Email Validation Pricing

Identify and auto-correct typos through the syntax check

Typos result from increased mobile device use and in-store, clerk-captured emails during transactions. Auto-correct helps our clients recapture these leads.

Identify known toxic email addresses

Flag hazardous accounts through ClickDotMailer's network of trusted data partners and proprietary monitoring methods.

Toxic emails, including spam traps, are responsible for damaging email deliverability because emailing a hazardous account can get domains blacklisted. The suppression file helps alleviate spam trap problems, known complainers, and opt-outs from third party messaging.

Mailbox Verification

Communicate with the domain to individually validate and confirm the active status of the email.

Primarily through SMTP, ClickDotMailer can quickly and accurately communicate with the domain and attempt to validate the availability of the mailbox.

Cases in which domains do not permit the SMTP approach, we will return as “unverifiable” or “unknown” if all other validation criteria are met.

Improve Your Reputation and Results 

Email validation can make the difference between a successful email campaign and an underperforming one. When you make sure your message is reaching valid emails with an email address validator, you’ll see a dramatic rise in open rates, click-throughs, and delivered emails.

And it’s an incredibly simple tool to integrate wherever you collect email addresses. ClickDotMailer's email validation service allows you to send marketing and transactional messages with accuracy and integrity.

Fastest validations in the industry

Need to clean a list with millions of addresses? Walk to the break room, grab a cup of coffee, and come back to a clean email list.

Protect your platform from abuse

Bot attacks can turn into full-blown DDoS if detected too late. Users trying to trick your platform with grammar rules? We flag that information too.

Engage your audience for better ROI.

ClickDotMailer helps you grow.